Welcome to
Sunday 10am
Wednesday 7pm
About Us
We are a body of spirit filled and spirit-led believers. Our Sunday morning worship experience starts at 10 am with music, worship and communion for the whole family. We offer contemporary worship and powerful praise with a blend of current worship tunes and updated hymns, all used to help prepare you for what God has in store. Then our Pastor will bring a fresh word from the Lord. Our focus is to provide an atmosphere where you can participate in corporate worship and prayer, be fed from the word of God, experience the presence of the Lord and connect with other believers.
Our PowerUP! Wednesday night offers fun, fellowship and learning for all ages. The adults meet in the main auditorium at 7 pm and our youth and children meet at our educational facility. Our Student Ministries (for grades 6 through 12) meet on the first floor for their “Elevate” worship experience.
Food & Fellowship at 6 pm and worship and teaching at 7 pm.